Engleza, întrebare adresată de maria9585, 8 ani în urmă

Complete this text with the present simple or the present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets.
The Google brand (grow) rapidly. According to the Millward Brown Brandz
report, it ............ (hold) first place in the list of top 100 brands. In fact, the IT field
(dominate) the top-ten corporate brands. Google
(operate) websites
at many international domains, the most popular being www.google.com, and
(generate) revenue by providing effective advertising opportunities. Google
always..... (focus) on the user, and consumers usually
(see) Google as
quite trustworthy.
Nowadays, companies (begin) to recognise that brands are amongst their most
valuable assets. They understand that brands
(become) ever more powerful
in driving business growth. Strong brands.
(generate) superior returns and
protect businesses from risk. Google currently
(hold) the top position, but it
has to keep innovating if it wants to remain number one. BlackBerry and Apple are the two
fastest-growing brands in the top 100, and China Mobile
(grow) steadily, too.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de LiviuXB


Is growing. Holds. Is dominating. Is operating. Generates. Focuses. Are seeing. Are beginning. Are becoming. Are generating. Holds. Are growing.


Sper ca te-am putut ajuta, coroană? :)

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