Engleza, întrebare adresată de doinapop635, 8 ani în urmă

Design your class magazine. Think about: Title Front and back covers Sections. Decide which students can work on each section. Prepare the first issue of your class magazine. Compare with another group.​

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Răspuns de school2myneed


Title: "Our Class Magazine"

Front Cover:

A bold and catchy title "Our Class Magazine" at the top of the cover

A large image that represents the theme of the magazine (ex. a group photo of the class, a picture of a student engaged in a school project)

A tagline that summarizes the magazine's mission (ex. "Bringing you the latest news and happenings from our class"

Back Cover:

A list of the magazine's sections (ex. "Features, Interviews, Opinion, Student Spotlight")

A list of the editorial team and their roles (ex. "Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Features Editor, etc.")

Contact information for submissions or feedback (ex. "Email: [email protected]")


Features: articles that highlight the latest events and happenings in the class (ex. a student-led fundraiser, a class trip, etc.)

Interviews: profiles of students, teachers, or staff members in the school

Opinion: a section for students to express their thoughts and ideas on relevant issues

Student Spotlight: a section that shines a light on the accomplishments and achievements of individual students

Assignment of students:

Editor-in-Chief: responsible for overall content and management of the magazine, managing the editorial team

Managing Editor: responsible for coordinating the production of the magazine, ensuring deadlines are met

Features Editor: responsible for the Features section, assigning and editing articles

Interviews Editor: responsible for the Interviews section, assigning and editing profiles

Opinion Editor: responsible for the Opinion section, assigning and editing student submissions

Student Spotlight Editor: responsible for the Student Spotlight section, assigning and editing student profiles

First issue:

The first issue of our class magazine will focus on the theme of "Class Unity" and will feature articles on class bonding activities, student-led initiatives to promote inclusivity, and an interview with a teacher on the importance of class cohesion. Additionally, the Opinion section will feature a student's thoughts on the importance of class spirit, and the Student Spotlight section will highlight the accomplishments of a student who has been a leader in promoting class unity.

I am not able to design and create a slide for you. I can provide you with the information and layout for the slide, you can create it using a software of your choice

For example, the front cover slide could have the title "Our Class Magazine" in big bold letters at the top, a large image that represents the theme of the magazine in the center, and a tagline that summarizes the magazine's mission at the bottom. Each section can have its own slide with a title and a brief description of what it is about. You can also add the names of the students who are working on each section, and their roles.


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