Engleza, întrebare adresată de pisicaham, 8 ani în urmă

Doar B este exercițiul va rog Ajutați-mă. Repede...


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Danielanz
1. Rachel wanted to go to the festival because her friends shared with her their great experience from the year before.2. Her parents did not agree with the idea of going to the festival.3. Her parents changed their minds when they found that Rachel's cousin Rob, who was 21, was going to participate also at the festival.4. Rachel's mother talked to her about the things that can happen at pop festivals.5. it was difficult for Rachel to phone her father because a lot of people were queuing for phones.6. Apart from listening to music, Rachel and her friends spent most of the time talking.7. No, there were people from all over the world.8. Rachel didn't feel the festival was dangerous because the security was working in order to avoid any bad event.

pisicaham: mulțumesc dar nu mai trebuia.
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