Engleza, întrebare adresată de MaryOs, 8 ani în urmă

F Frankie
Some people get paid far too much. Footballers earn amazing amounts for kicking a ballaround. Pop stars are just as bad. I think people like nurses and fire fighters should be paidmuch more. After all, they save lives.
A Ash
You’re so wrong, Frankie. Footballers and pop stars have special talents and bring happiness to people. They are worth every penny. People don’t go into nursing or the fire service to earn a fortune.
Writing Task
Write a contribution to the web forum explaining who deserves to earn a lot of money.
In your contribution, you should:
• say who you think deserves to earn a lot of money
• give detailed reasons for your views.
You should aim to write about 150 to 200 words.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de karmawilliams1223


W Karma

I think firefighters and nurses should earn more than footballers and celebrities. If you are sick, a singer, even if it makes you happy, does not heal you, but a nurse does. If your house catches fire, a football player will not stop the fire, but a firefighter will. I understand why people appreciate singers and photographers, that is, they really delight us with their talent, but nurses and firefighters have put a lot of effort into learning how to handle any situation, to save someone's life. Firefighters risk their lives, and nurses give their time for the lives of others. They are truly heroes and deserve to earn more.

MaryOs: Poti sa-mi faci tema asta?
MaryOs: Te rog
MaryOs: How would you like to pay?
People are predicting the ‘death of cash’ and that notes and coins could disappear by 2025. Growing numbers of Britons believe contactless cards and mobile payments will be the main means of purchasing goods and services in the near future. This means that there will be no need for cash.
MaryOs: Only half of Britons believe cash will still be in day-to-day use in a decade’s time, while 48% believe they will use contactless payments every day by 2025, according to the survey from Lloyds Bank. 39% say they don’t expect they’ll need to use cash at all a decade from now.
Futuristic technology is also highly anticipated.
MaryOs: More than a quarter expect to be able to make payments with watches, wristbands or other wearable technology, and 22% think they will regularly use their fingerprints to make
payments. The study even found that 7% of Britons expect to use a microchip embedded in their body to make regular purchases. The report came ahead of an increase in the limit on contactless payments, from £20 to £30.
MaryOs: Meanwhile, Barclaycard has reported that contactless transactions more than doubled over the past 12 months, as the technology is increasingly being used for everyday purchases. The firm said that 29% of transactions in supermarkets are paid for via contactless systems, while 20% of restaurant payments are contactless.
MaryOs: London is leading the way in contactless payments, in part because customers can use the technology on buses, trains and the Underground network. According to Barclaycard, 40% of eligible transactions in the capital are paid for with contactless
MaryOs: Other technological advancements are also in the pipeline to shake up the way customers pay for goods and how they do their banking. For example, after July next year, it should be possible for customers of all major banks to pay in cheques by using a smartphone app.
What is the main purpose of the text above?
MaryOs: Use these punctuation marks: comma, full stop, apostrophe, question mark and a quotation mark.
Write in paragraphs and use about 200 words
MaryOs: Si pe aceasta te rog.
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