Engleza, întrebare adresată de neutru, 8 ani în urmă

Superman is from
the planet Krypton. His home on Earth
is in Smallville, USA, and his name is Clark
Kent. His parents on Earth are Jonathan and
Martha Kent. His best friend is Lois Lane.
She's very kind. Superman
has got a dog - Krypto the
superdog. Superman has
got a red and blue outfit with a
big red "S" on the front. He is tall
and strong. He can fly very fast
and lift heavy objects. He's
very kind. He's a great
outfit strong
• fly lift
• heavy objects
become invisible
Supergirl is Superman's
cousin. She is from Krypton, too!
Her real name is Kara Zor-El. Her
parents on Earth are Fred and Edna
Danvers. She has got a sister. Her
name's Alex. Supergirl is short, thin
and beautiful. She has got a red and
blue outfit, just like her cousin! She can
fly very fast and become invisible. She
is only a beginner superhero, but she's
really clever!
1 Who is Supergirl? Is she Superman's sister? What can they do?
41.19 Listen and read to find out.

Sall cine poate sa mă ajute sa traduc textul va rog dau coroana


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexia7190


Superman provine de pe planeta Krypton. Casa lui pe paman este in orasul Smallville, USA, si numele lui este Clark Kent. Parintii lui de pe pamant sunt Jonathan si Martha Kent. Prietenul lui bun este Lois Lane.Ea este forte amabila/draguta.Superman are un caine-Krypto super cainele. Superman are un costum cu rosu si albastru cu un mare si rosu '' S'' pe piept. El este inalt si puternic. Poatr sa zboare foarte repede si si sa ridice lucruri grele. El este foarte amabil/dragut.Este un erou minunat.

costinbadulescu930: e foarte bine
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