Engleza, întrebare adresată de Nike223, 8 ani în urmă

Fil in: some, any, no, or their derivatives:
1.I vent to Ann's house, but there was ... there.
2.Tina, i need... help with this project.
3. Have you seen Fred...? He was in the office 2 minutes ago.
4. I'd like to see you now. I have... to say to you.
5.Is... wrong with Jane? She looks upset.
6. There aren't... berries left. Would you like an orange?
7. Dad, there is... waiting for you in the yard?
8. I've eaten... all day. I'm so unhungry.
9.... understands me. I'm so unhappy.
10.... is safe anymore. I'm so afraid.
Va rog frumos ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CarlaC112

Sper sa fie bine...

Spor la scris!!!


CarlaC112: nu vreau sa ma milogesc dar, când se poate, îmi poți da o coroana???
Nike223: multumesc mult, dar nu stiu cum sa o dau ✌
CarlaC112: la un moment dat, iti va veni o notificare și jos, lângă nume, scrie '' marchează cel mai bun raspuna'' sau ceva asemanator
Nike223: ok
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