Engleza, întrebare adresată de shshedhhshd, 8 ani în urmă

Hello there!
I need an essay about the difference between the old, actual, and the future educational program(school)

I need it asap pls​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lucianitu


The old system of education was more well-rounded. Students were not just tested on their abilities to regurgitate information, but were also expected to be able to apply what they had learned in a real-world context. This ability to problem-solve and think critically was highly valued.

The current system of education is more specialized. Students are expected to know more detailed information in a specific subject area. The ability to think critically and apply knowledge is still valued, but to a lesser extent.

The future system of education will be a return to the well-rounded approach of the past. Students will again be expected to be able to apply their knowledge in a real-world context. This shift will be necessary in order to keep up with the changing needs of the workforce.

It is amazing how much the educational system has changed over the years. In the past, we had to go to school from Monday through Friday and we had a strict curriculum that we had to follow. There were no electives and we had to take every subject whether we liked it or not. You either passed or failed and there was no in between. Now, schools are much more flexible. You can choose what subjects you want to take and there are also a lot more electives. You can even get college credit for some of them. The future of education looks even more amazing. With the advances in technology, we will be able to learn from anywhere in the world. We will also be able to tailor our education to our specific needs and interests. I can't wait to see what the future of education holds!

Coronita, te rog frumos! ;-)

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