Engleza, întrebare adresată de igorhacker4, 8 ani în urmă

Help me please to write an Opinion Paragraph about Are online friends ''Real'' friends min 100 words please my gramathic is not so well and i have to present it tommorow in the school.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Iuliajhvn


Online friends,

The technology in our days is something we use a lot. We do most of the things with help of the internet and special , smart machines like computers.

We are so advanced that we even have online friends . People we never met in real life and still we call them friends .

Of course this people can not be named real friends . We do not know them , we know nothing about them actually.

They are just people around the world who like to socialize.

Our generation is very open mind , we do not have a problem speaking with strangers, even telling them secrets sometimes.

But we always have to remember that we should not trust them because trusting in a stranger is wrong.

It is fine to speak with them but everything must have a limit.


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