Engleza, întrebare adresată de PIK123, 8 ani în urmă

II)Write the words in the correct order to form sentences: 1) are, there, bathrooms, flat,my.in.two.2) daughter, is, years, ten, old, Terry's 3) is, like, weather, what, the, today? 4) rarely, they, swimming, in, go, river, the 5) Sarah, to, work, never, bus, goes,by 6) the, is, street, hospital, across ,right, the 7) are, garden, they, in, working,the, now? 8) ski, but, can't, he, skate, can, he 9) cat, is. bed, under, the, the 10) Mark, taller, brother, than, is, his 11) always/ her/does/Joan/homework/do? 12) see/is/ behind / because/ tree/ can't/ hiding/ Marta/ we/she/ a. 43) juice /fridge/ little / in / there's/ a/ orange / the. 44) what / are/ going / the /time/party/you/ to ? (5) in /afraid/ my/ sleeping/the/children /dark /are /of.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anastasiamunteanu180


There are two bathrooms in my flat.

Terry's daughter is ten years old.

What is the weather like today?

They rarely go swimming in the river.

Sarah never goes to work by bus.

The hospital is across the right street.

Are they working in the garden, now?

He can't ski, but he can skate.

The cat is under the bed.

Mark is taller than his brother

Does Joan always do her homework?

We can't see Marta because she is hidding behind a tree.

There's a little orange juice in the fridge.

What time are you going to the party?

My children are afraid of sleeping in the dark.

Spor la învățătură!

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