Engleza, întrebare adresată de dhwwqh, 7 ani în urmă

«Is it easy to be teenager or no?»; eseu (80-100 de cuvinte), în cuvinte simple. Dau corona!!! ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anagheorghita24


"Is it hard to be a teenager?" It's a good question. Some would answer yes, others no. My opinion is that there are hard and easy moments. You have a lot of free time, you learn new things and you don't go to work, but you have to to prepare for exams and there are also more difficult moments. I think that being a teenager is a wonderful time and that we should enjoy it while we still have it.


Sper tam ajutat!

Răspuns de ooovooo

Is it easy being a teenager or not? I think that it is. The most difficult time is when children grow up. Tastes, relationships, and even bodies change in children. Adolescence is a difficult period; children quarrel with parents and it is difficult to understand a teenager, but it takes time and patience after going through this difficult time, you are already a different person and you are changing for the better


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