It was once, as ever, a boy named Matthew. Although he was 11, he still believed in Santa Claus ... His nobody told him that Santa is just a story ... and that your real meaning of Christmas is, in fact, the birth of Jesus! That is until one day ... When he came home from school, he noticed an old lady, who carried in his hand a heavy bag, and who wanted to cross the street. Generous, Matt helped her and the old lady thanked him and said, "May the birth of Jesus to be the meaning of this holiday, Christmas!" The boy listened and then slowly started to church and when he got there, he asked a man: "What is the meaning of Christmas?" To which the man replied: "Jesus was born, boy." "I do not understand ..." said Matthew. "Look, if you give the Bible and read from it, you understand." "Thanks so much!". After reading the Bible, Matthew understood, understood that Jesus came into this world to save us from sin! And now you tell everyone about this wonderful news that Jesus was born, not as Santa Claus comes this year ...
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Răspuns de
a fost odata ca niciodata un baiat pe nume Matthew.Cu toate ca avea 11 ani,el tot credea in Mos i-a spus nimeni ca Mos Craciun este doar o poveste si ceea ce inseamna defapt Craciun este nasterea lui ISUS.intr-o zi cand venea de la scoala a vazut o doamna invarsta care cara in mainile ei o punga grea,si care voia sa treaca strada.Politicos Matt a ajutat-o si femeia batrana i-a multumit si i-a spus ,,fie ca nasterea lui Isus sa fie sensul acestei sarbatori,Craciunul!"Baiatul a ascultat si apoi a inceput sa mearga incet catre biserica si cand a ajuns acolo a intrebat un barbat:,,Care este sensul Craciunului?"La care omul a raspuns :,,Sa nascut Isus,baiete.",,Nu inteleg"a spus Matthew.,,Uite,daca iei biblia si incepi sa o citesti,vei intelege.",,Multumesc mult!".Dupa ce a citit biblia,Matthew a inteles,a inteles ca Isus vine in aceasta lume ca sa ne salveze de la pacat!Si tu spui tuturor despre aceasta veste minunata ca Isus sa nascut,nu ca anul acesta vine Mos Craciun...
Multumesc foarte mult! Pot numai sa te intreb ceva? :D
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