Engleza, întrebare adresată de georgianalmari, 8 ani în urmă

Ma poate ajuta și pe mine cineva la aceste 2 exerciții urgent


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Lorex

4. I really think we're ought to say goodbye before we leave.

5. You should not criticise the hotel staff.

6. You will have to pay if you have any overweight luggage.

7. She has a difficulty at making friends. (sper sa nu fie prea lunaga)

8. I think you should stay inside if you've got a cold.

9. In my opinion, it isn't worth buying an expensive camera.

10. He didn't succed to reach the top.

9. 1). countryside

2). surroundings

3). situating

4). bustle

5). illegally

6). carefully

7). stylish

8). forgetting

9). neighbour

La 9 nu sunt sigura de cateva, dar sper ca te-am ajutat cu ceva.

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