Engleza, întrebare adresată de ssempai848, 8 ani în urmă

Open the verbs in brackets by writing their past simple form:
Billy___________________________________ (run) after the bus.
She ____________________________________(say) that she would come later.
I _____________________________________(buy) some books this morning.
We ___________________________________(make) a cake - it was delicious.
He ___________________________________(sit) on the old chair and it broke.
They _________________________________(write) a letter to their parents.
I______________________________________(find) her keys on the table.
We___________________________________(sing) too much last night.
He already_____________________________(eat) all the cake.
The child _______________________________(fall) off his bicycle.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mitarnicolas20781948


Billy ran after the bus.

She said that she would come later.

I bought some books this morning.

We made a cake.

He sat on the old chair and it broke.

They wrote a leter to their parents.

I found her keys on the table.

We sang too much last night.

He already ate all the cake.

The child fell of his bicycle.


Sper că răspunsul meu ți-a fost de folos!

Răspuns de valentinapascaru09
1. Runs
2. Says
3. Bought
4. Made
5. Sat
6. Write
7. Found
8. Sang
9. Ate
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