Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioandarie17, 8 ani în urmă

Salut. Am nevoie de propoziții cu următoarele cuvinte:
-roads: ring road, dual carriageway, lane, bypass, motorway, track, flyover;
-travellers: sightseer, backpacker, rambler;
-trips: weekend break, excursion, flying visit, cruise, stopover, extended stay.
În poza atașată este exercițiul, cuvintele alea 5 lângă care sunt puncte (pilgrim, explorer, globetrotter, day trip și flight), nu trebuie puse în propoziții.
Spor! ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mbc220861



-roads: ring road, dual carriageway, lane, bypass, motorway, track, flyover;

The motel is just near the ring road.

I'm crossing the bridge over the dual carriageway.

This lane is blocked.

You can save some time if you bypass the city.

The motorway is very bussy all year.

This track is for the beginners.

There is a flyover above that bussy road.

-travellers: sightseer, backpacker, rambler;

I used to be a sightseer.

When I was young, I was a backpacker.

I have never been a rambler.

-trips: weekend break, excursion, flying visit, cruise, stopover, extended stay.

We had a weekend break in Paris.

I am on an excursion.

I intend to have a flying visit to my aunt in Australia.

I would like a cruise on Mediterranean Sea.

There is a stopover in Athens.

I'll have an extended stay there.

ioandarie17: Mulțumesc
mbc220861: cu placere
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