Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreimel, 8 ani în urmă

scrie un eseu despre importanta organizarii in viata
descrie macar un exemplu de "sistem" de organizare pe care l-ai facut tu si este benefica adaugarea sa in rutina ta sau in viata (romana /eng la alegere) ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de charmed


Where there's no order, there's chaos. Even the simplest of things require organizing, like the pile of socks in your dresser. It may seem like an insignificant and boring task but if you don't make the time to make a sistem, you'll find yourself wasting time on every occasion you need a pair, and it can ruin your day when you're in a hurry. So this is what you have to do: first gather all of your socks then separate the ones that are damaged, you can put some of them aside to patch them up but it's better to just throw them out, and don't forget to add their pair, you don't want to have singles in your pile; next divide them by season then by use, like thick for winter and low-cut or no-show for sneakers; afterwards sort by color then by model since there are days when you really need black socks and times when you can hide your printed socks with long lenght pants; finally match the models and you'll have yourself a bunch of pairs ready to use; whatever socks remain without a pair, you'll have to get rid of them, otherwise you'll have to separate them all over again, but you'll want to make sure their pair isn't lying around somewhere else, like in the washing machine or under your bed.

I've got plenty of examples, organizing not only simplifies my life but it gives me a sense of control and accomplishment. When it comes to groceries, we always forget to buy something so I keep at hand a basic list that I add to when necessary because there are things that you need every week like water, soap, potatoes -- these always stay on the list, and things that sometimes you want like cheese, a bucket, a shirt.

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