Engleza, întrebare adresată de edybaciupi34dt, 8 ani în urmă

The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write each word next to the correct sentences ​


PTSDvibes: 1. are you enthusiastic about going on the excursion tomorrow? 2. i was disgusted at how dirty her kitchen was. 3. the company was optimistic tat sales will be much better this quarter. 4. we were absolutely terrified by the horror film. 5. i dont understand why everyone likes that actor. there's nothing special about her. 6. please write this report again- its terrible. 7. this strict diet is making me miserable 8. who is responsible for breaking the window
PTSDvibes: lam adaugat ca intrebare oops
PTSDvibes: have fun :)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bassicalyenglish


1. strict

2. disgusted

3. enthusiastic

4. terrified

5. special

6. omptimistic

7. responsibile

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