traduceti asta in engleza dau si o suta de puncte!!!!!! e urgent!!!!!!!! :
"Buna !
Eu sunt david ! Bine ai revenit pe blogul meu !
O sa vorbim despre rutine astazi ! îti voi arăta cum este o zi normala din viața mea !
În fiecare zi ma trezesc la ora sapte fara un sfert. Ma spal pe dinti si pe față, iau micul dejun si apoi ma îmbrac. Plec la scoala , orele mele începand mereu la ora opt. Dupa-amiaza la ora douăsprezece vin acasa.
Iau pranzul la ora douăsprezece și jumătate si apoi îmi fac temele la ora unu si jumătate. Le termin cam pe la ora trei si apoi ma joc pe calculator pana la ora cinci. Dupa acea ies afara. Apoi luam cina la ora sapte. Dupa care ma uit la o emisiune .
Iar dupa acea ma culc cam pe la ora unsprezece.
Va roooog !!!!
e urgent!!!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
"Hi !
I'm David! Welcome back to my blog!
We will talk about routines today! I will show you what a normal day in my life is like!
Every day I wake up at a quarter to seven. I brush my teeth and face, have breakfast and then get dressed. I go to school, my classes always start at eight o'clock. I come home at twelve in the afternoon.
I have lunch at half past twelve and then I do my homework at half past one. I finish them around three o'clock and then I play on the computer until five o'clock. After that I go out. Then we had dinner at seven o'clock. After that I watch a show.
And after that I go to bed around eleven o'clock.
Sper că te-am ajutat!
Hi !
I'm David! Welcome back to my blog!
We will talk about routines today! I will show you what a normal day in my life is like!
Every day I wake up at a quarter to seven. I brush my teeth and face, have breakfast and then get dressed. I go to school, my classes always start at eight o'clock. I come home at twelve in the afternoon.
I have lunch at half past twelve and then I do my homework at half past one. I finish them around three o'clock and then I play on the computer until five o'clock. After that I go out. Then we had dinner at seven o'clock. After that I watch a show.
And after that I go to bed around eleven o'clock.