Engleza, întrebare adresată de emihaela73, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza. Va rog ajutati.ma!
1)Ne distram intotdeauna bine in concediu.
2)Lamaile sunt acre.
3)Toamna ,temperaturie scad si zilele devin scurte.
4)Suntem vecini de aproape 10 ani.
5)Creanga de maslin simbolizeaza pacea si armonia.
6)Ce fel de carti citesti?
7)N-am mai vazut-o de vineri dimineata.
8)Pisicile negre aduc ghinion ,se spune!
9)Ajunul Craciunului va pica intr-o vineri ,anul acesta.
10)Alergatori se aproprie de linia de finish.
11)Toata lumea va lucra peste program saptamana aceasta ca sa pregatim licitatia.
12)Movul si verdele nu merg bine impreuna.
13)Nu pot sa stau de vorba cu tine acum;imi fac temele

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de grigorerares100
1) We always good fun vacation.2) Lemons are sour.3) In autumn, temperatures drop and the days become shorter.4) We are neighbors for nearly 10 years.5) Bough olive symbolizes peace and harmony.6) What kind of books you read?7) I have not seen her since Friday morning.8) Black cats bring bad luck, they say!9) Christmas Eve will fall on a Friday this year.10) Runners approach the finish line.11) Everyone will work overtime this week to prepare the bid.12) Purple and green do not go well together.13) I can not talk to you now      

emihaela73: Corect ,nu dupa  google translate :P
Răspuns de marinagavrilov
1)We always good fun vacation.
2) Lemons are sour .
3) In autumn, temperatures drop and the days become shorter.
4 ) We are neighbors for nearly 10 years . 
 5)Bough olive symbolizes peace and harmony .
6) What kind of books you read ?
 7 ) I have not seen her since Friday morning.
8) Black cats bring bad luck , they say !
9) Christmas Eve will fall on a Friday this year.
10) Runners approach the finish line .
11) Everyone will work overtime this week to prepare the bid.
12 ) Purple and green do not go well together.
13 ) I can not talk to you now , I do my homework
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