Engleza, întrebare adresată de ivanovion, 9 ani în urmă

traducetimi va rog textul pentru data de 27 aprilie "Favorite sports"  Victor loves many sports, but best of all-fotball.His grandfather was a good footballer and Victor wants to be a great footballer.He likes to read about well- known football players.Three times a week he goes to the stadium and plays football.He also plays chess with his father.Fanel"s brother Dinu is good at many kinds of sports.When he was at school he played badminton and practised horse-riding.He also learned to play tennis.He plays tennis for his University.At the University he began to play baseball.Baseball is a very popular game in the USA.It is a team game with nine players on a team.The equipment is very simple:a ball and a bat.Victor"s mother is very fond  of gymnastics.She hasalways admired Nadea Comaneci who won four gold medals at the age of fourteen.All the members of Victor"s family are fond of fishing.They go fishing in summer and autumn.The Bradus believe that sports are good for their health.They are an athletic family,aren"t they?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IoanaAlexandru
Sporturi preferate
Lui Victor ii plac multe sporturi,dar cel mai mult fotbalul.Bunicul lui a fost un fotbalist bun asa ca Victor vrea sa devina un fotbalist important.El citeste despre fotbalistii celebrii.De trei ori pe saptamana merge la stadion si joaca fotbal.De asemenea joaca sah cu tatal lui.Fratele lui Fanel,Dinu este bun la multe tipuri de sport.Cand era la scoala a jucat badmington si a mers la cursuri de echitatie.De asemenea a invatat sa joace tenis.Joaca tenis pentru Universitatea lui.La universitate el a inceput sa joace baseball.Baseball-ul este un joc foarte popular in USA.Este un joc de echipa cu noua jucatori intr-una.Echipamentul este foarte simplu:o minge si o bata.Mama lui Victor este pasionata de gimnastica.Ea a admirat-o din totdeauna pe Nadia Comaneci car a luat patru medalii de aur la vartsa de 14 ani.Toti membrii familiei lui Victor sunt pasionati de pescuit.Ei merg la pescuit vara si toamna.Bradusii considera ca sporturile sunt bune pentru sanatatea lor.Ei sunt o familie atletica(sportiva),nu-i asa?

ivanovion: multumesc fetelor mi-ati fost de mare ajutor
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