Engleza, întrebare adresată de ciucun, 9 ani în urmă


1. Ne-am amintit ca a doua zi la ora 11 vom lucra in gradina.

2. Eram sigur ca fiii mei se vor uita la televizor la ora aceea.

3. Sora mea nu credea ca eu v-oi scrie scrisori la ora 11 noaptea.

4. Mary mi-a explicat ca va purta o rochie rosie in acel monet.

5. El a spus ca la ora aceea nu va juca fotbal deoarece va calatorii spre Londra.

6. Eu nu am stiut ca ei vor dansa toata noaptea.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de valentinaanna
1. we remembered that the next day at eleven o'clock we will be working in the garden.
2.I was sure that my kids will watch TV at this time.
3. my sister didn't believe me that I would be writing letters at eleven o'clock at night.
4.Mary explained me that she'll be wearing a red dress.
5. he said that he won't play football because he will be traveling to londra at that time.
6. I didn't know that they will be dancing all night.
..nu știu dacă toate sunt bune

ciucun: mersi mult :*
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