Engleza, întrebare adresată de dariaiftime, 9 ani în urmă

un scurt dialog in engleza in care sa mentionati numele vlad, codrin, daria, radu, dialogul se va numi at the zoo. dau coroana si 99 puncte, repede

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sorinaoana8
At the zoo

-Vlad, do you know where I can see the monkeys?
-Sorry, Daria, but I have visited just the elephanths, so I don't know where are the monkeys. I was searching the lions at the moment...
-The lions are there, Vlad! I saw them five minutes ago.
-Oh! Thank's a lot, Radu!
-Codrin, have you see the snakes? They are so awesome! I cannot stop thinking about them. I really like the boa snake.
-I know, right, Radu?! This place is so great! Let's go to see the monkeys! Daria said they are pretty funny.
-Oh, Ok! Let's go!

sorinaoana8: in loc de "monkeys" din structura "-I know, right, Radu?! This place is so great! Let's go to see the monkeys! Daria said they are pretty funny." scrie tigers. Scuze de greseala. :) Coronita? :-*
dariaiftime: super!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
sorinaoana8: in loc de "see" din structura" -Codrin, have you see the snakes? They are so awesome! I cannot stop thinking about them. I really like the boa snake." scrie "seen". Scuze pentru greseala! Sper ca ti-am fost de ajutor! :*
dariaiftime: de ce mai scrii inca o data
sorinaoana8: Nu scriu inca o data, iti zic ce sa corectezi unde am scris eu gresit.
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