Engleza, întrebare adresată de macoveiteodora156, 7 ani în urmă

Unde se folosește am not , isn't ,aren't

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de itirezolvtemele

am not se folosește la pronumele I (=eu).

I am not

isn t - pronumele he/she/it

he isn t

aren t - pronumele you, we, they (aren t)

Răspuns de abc728188


Am not - La pers a I a sing, 'I'

Isn't - La pers a III a, 'she, he, it'

Aren't - La pers a II a sing si plural, 'you' si la pers a III plural 'they'


  • I am not at the farm.
  • She isn't lucky enough to win the lottery.
  • You aren't rich.
  • We aren't going to the concert.
  • They aren't taking the exam.

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