Engleza, întrebare adresată de Rudac, 8 ani în urmă

URGENT! O compunere in engleza de 30-40 randuri cu titlul : "Despre viitor".

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Elizuca00000
What LaYer says is true, but sometimes we all need a little help, so: The future, when we think of it, we see it so far away, yet we still do not have time for it. My future is practically any day of tomorrow, with every day I aim with more and more rapids towards the future. To be honest, it scares me a little bit, I'm still not decided why when I'm going to be big, as I used to be asking small. At that time, we dreamed of being doctors, astronauts, magicians, and our dreams seemed feasible, but as we grew up the unrealable, it grew more and more. The future is kind of unknown, you can plan it, have expectations, but you never know how it will be. Maybe I will study in the near future, perhaps I will leave school behind, maybe I will decide on a career and I will excel or I will always be indecisive and will choose more careers without excellence in any one. One thing is certain, no matter what my future holds, it will always depend on the present. If someone asks me where I see in five years, I would answer them in five years I will see five years from now, it's good to have dreams and ambitions, but we always have to be realistic.

Rudac: E originala ?
Elizuca00000: Da
Rudac: Mersi!
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