Engleza, întrebare adresată de secretname34, 8 ani în urmă

use the correct form of the verb again or win.In pairs,answer the following questions.
1.How would you spend the money if you_____10000 lei in a lottery?
2.Have you ever______a competition or a game?If so,what was it?When was it?How did you feel about it?
3.What should people do not to_______too much weight?

help pls​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Use the correct form of the verb again or win. In pairs, answer the following questions.



1. How would you spend the money if you won 10000 lei in a lottery?

  • If I won 10000 lei in a lottery, I would build a house at the seaside for my family.

2. Have you ever won a competition or a game? If so, what was it? When was it? How did you feel about it?

  • Yes, I have won several school competitions at county level. It was every spring, in March or April. I felt great because everything I was taught and all the additional knowledge are represented by those medals and prizes.

3. What should people do not to put on too much weight?

  • In order to be healthy and not to put on too much weight, you need to regularly practice sports and to respect the main meals, having healthy products as much as possible.


Good luck at school and on brainly!


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