Engleza, întrebare adresată de amaliacibotaru, 9 ani în urmă

Use the cues to write sentences in the present continuous.
 1. Who (you/write to) ......?
 2.The volunteers (stay) ....... in a hostel.
 3.Their records (not/sell ) ........ very weel in the USA.
 4.(your brother/study).......at university now?
 5.Louise (not/feel ) ...... very weel at the moment. 
(puneti prezentul continuu)

amaliacibotaru: ajutati-ma va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gabrielasandru
1. Who are you writing to? 2. The volunteers are staying in a hostel. 3. Their records are not selling well in the USA. 4. Is your brother studying at university now? 5. Louise is not feeling well at the moment.

amaliacibotaru: ms
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