va rog ajutați mă dau coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare
"Complete the sentences with the past simple passive of the verbs in the brackets."
Vom completa propozitiile cu diateza pasiva a trecutului simplu al verbelor din paranteze.
1. £50,000 were stolen from a bank in the centre of Oxford yesterday.
2. Where were these jeans made?
3. A new anti-virus software was presented to the public yesterday.
4. The internet was invented by Tim Berners Lee.
5. When was the letter sent?
6. The new library wasn't / was not built in 2012, but in 2013.
Diateza pasiva, in engleza, past simple passive, este formata cu "Was/Were" cu participiul verbului la trecut.
Ea este folosita cand persoana sau fiinta despre care se vorbeste in actiune este necunoscuta.
Nu recomand sa inveti teoria sau detaliile. Eu am invatat prin memorarea structurii propozitiilor. Este mult, mult, mult mai usor decat sa memorezi definitiile.
Mult succes!