Engleza, întrebare adresată de Dimkaa, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog ... Am pus fotografiile... Cartea de clasa 8-a pagina 146 Ex 1,2


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Owned
Exercitiul 1:

1) you told them the truth
2) you joined us
3) you knew him personally
4) they had a choice
5) she wasn't sick
6) you continued climbing
7) they didn't listen
 8) unity existed
9) I cleaned the room
19) you saved some

Exercitiul 2:

1) I would be there
2) he would have to call me
3) She wouldn't have to leave
4) He would have make it
5) She would be here now
6) he would be awake
7) you would know his name
8) Would you go
9) Would you know
10) I wouldn't do that

Dimkaa: Ai vazut modelul la ex 1 ? Model : I wouldn't do that if ....... I wouldn't do that if I were you
Dimkaa: Multumesc mult *
Owned: da, ce am scris eu e in loc de spatiile punctate, nu am mai scris si ce era scris.
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