Engleza, întrebare adresată de 1Doinitza, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog mult ajutati-ma !!!! In 100 words explain why you would like to have an au-to-date computer or tablet.Give 3 reasons to support your opinion.Be convincing.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Yukiyuki12
Computers are really useful.They can help you learn and keep in touch with friends.A modern computer has tons of great features.Such as the internet,notepad and many more.The internet contains social media,wikipedia and other websites.Some of these websites may help you become way productive such as Outlook and Office. In a nutshell,there are these 3 reasons to buy a modern computer: 1:Access to all social and business websites. 2:Heightened education resources. 3:Increased productivity. (Cu plãcere :D)
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