Engleza, întrebare adresată de bossu6782, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog mult corect, va rog


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlitaLidia

If it rains, we will cancel the match.

If a snake comes into the house, i will scream and run away.

If we take the train, we will arrive there sooner.

Unless you help me, i will not finish this work.

If i have the time, i will take you shopping.

If it is a sunny day, we will go to the beach tomorrow.

If i get lost, I will phone you.

If you are my friend, you will not do that to me.

Unless we leave now, we will be late.

If all goes well, they will get married in June.

The first conditional se formează cu if + present simple..., (in propoziția conditionala )..

will + infinitive. (in cea principala )

Poate să fie și principala prima, apoi conditionala.

Ex:I'll go to the party if i feel well.

Utilizator anonim: hey
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