Engleza, întrebare adresată de petrolist, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog mult! E urgent!
Raspundeti la intrebari in engleza.

1.How many people are there in the garden?
2.How much money do you need to buy that car?
3.Are there many buildings in your neighborhood?
4.How many tables are there in your restaurant?
5.Do you need much time to plan your birthday party?
6.Are there many cups on the shelves?
7.Is there much rice in the bottle?
8.How many books have you read so far?(eleven)


Mih2007: Cred ca lipseste ceva... O imagine poate?!
petrolist: cum se trimite
petrolist: doar raspundeti la intrebari
Mih2007: Cum vrem noi?
petrolist: nu conteaza doar sa fie ceva in engleza sunt disperat

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 333Ana333
1.Nu stiu
2.I need 20 dolars :))) to buy this car.
3.Nu stiu
4.In my restaurant are 5 tables.
5.Yes,i need much time to plan my birthday party.
6.Nu stiu cum sa formulez :))
7.Nu stiu sa formulez :))
8.I read eleven books.
Sper ca te-am ajutat cu cat am putut :) 
Răspuns de Mih2007
1. There are ... In the garden. 2. I need...so I can buy that car. 3. There are/ aren't many buildings in my neighborhood. 4. There are .....tables. 5. Yes I need a lot of time to plan my birthday. 6. Yes, there are/ No there aren't. 7. Yes there is/ No there isn't 8. I have read eleven books so far. Sper Sa fie ok. Unde am pus....completezi tu dupa imagine sau ce ai
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