Engleza, întrebare adresată de Nicoleta456666, 8 ani în urmă

Vreau si eu o intamplare legata despre o olimpiada la romana din mai (adica sa spun ce am simtit ,cum a fost,etc)in engleza ..dau coroanaaaaaa (lunga)

Nicoleta456666: Si cu traducere va implor

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de smartkid27


For me, this whole new thing was amazing and today I'll talk about my experience.I was part of the romanian olympics.

First of all, the exercises were on my level and I did great on them.The teachers were friendly and I also made some new friends at the school I was at.

We all had 3 hours for solving the exercises,even though I finished really fast,which still surprises me.

After I finished everything, I had a deep feeling of happiness because I was able to do this and I was smart enough for any challenges.

I truly loved spending time doing what I love and I'm most likely going to do this again next year.

Finally, I just want to tell everyone that education takes a big role not just in our present,but also in our future.

gabrielistrate2009: at the nationat collage
smartkid27: am avut 3 ore la dispozitie, chiar daca am terminat foarte repede.Lucru care ma surprinde si acum.
smartkid27: dupa ce am terminat, am simtit adanc bucuria din cauza ca sunt in stare sa accept orice provocare
Nicoleta456666: E foarte buna compunerea !
smartkid27: Multumesc frumos.Sper ca te-am ajutat
Nicoleta456666: M ai imi traduci?
smartkid27: Am adorat sa oetrec timpul facand ceea ce imi place si cu siguranta ca voi mai participa si la anul.
smartkid27: in final, vreau sa spun ca educatia joaca un rol important nu doar pentru prezentul nostru, cat si pentru viitor.
Nicoleta456666: Imi poti spune in engleza si "Am uitat sa mentionez ca olimpiada s-a desfasurat in primavara ,in Mai
smartkid27: I forgot to mention that this took place in may,last spring
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