Engleza, întrebare adresată de Loreloridana, 8 ani în urmă

Write the questions and answers,using the present perfect simple or continuous as appropriate

1. what / he / eat / ? (Icecream)
2. where /she /swim/ ? (Lake)
3. what /they/play/? (Volleyball)
4. what /he/do/all morning/? (Ride/horse
5. why / he / fall over backwards / ? (Jump over/ fence
6. what / she/ do / ? (Twist /knee)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de validobre2006p4k8sp
1What did he eat? He ate icecream.
2Where did she swim? She swimed in the lake.
3what did they play? They played volayball.
4what did he do all morning? He rided a horse
5why did he fall backwards ? He jumped over a fence
6what did she do ? She twisted her knee

Loreloridana: Nu ai facut cu Present Perfect simple si Present perfecf Continuous
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