Engleza, întrebare adresată de Radu678, 8 ani în urmă

Your aunt and uncle bought you a new bike
for your birthday. Write them a thank you
email. Say what you are going to do with
your present. Write 25–35 words.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de carlitta2007

Dear Aunt and Uncle,

I am writing to tell you thank you so much for the bike! I've always wanted one.By the way I am going to use it for tricks and I will go in a holiday with it on the mountains.

Write soon.

(and your name)

Radu678: mulțumesc mult
carlitta2007: coroana?
Radu678: stai sa îmi arate aia de ales care răspuns e mai bun
Radu678: sau zi-mi tu cum
carlitta2007: nu știu tiu
carlitta2007: nu stiu*
carlitta2007: dar oricum
carlitta2007: cuplacere
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