Engleza, întrebare adresată de petrisor54, 8 ani în urmă

1 *** Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. Yes, there is a there are Is there there aren't Are there Yes, there are any (x2) some (x2) a a 1 2 3 5 6 Dan My new bedroom's blue and white - the colours of my favourite football team. Mark Cool! Dan There's______ blue rug and_____ some blue-and-white curtains, too. Mark______ a desk? Dan_____ It's blue and white! Mark Are there_____ 4 chairs? Dan____ two chairs. Mark Have you got______ photos of your room? Dan Yes, there are_____ 7 photos on my phone - but it's at home ... Mark Is there_____ TV in your room? Dan Yes, and my games console, too. Mark What's on the desk? Dan There's my laptop and lamp but_____ any books. My books are in the new bookcase. Mark_____ any posters on the walls? Dan Yes, there are_______ posters of my favourite football players. ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexandersarkissian


There's a blue rug and there are some blue and white curtains.

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