Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihnea14427, 8 ani în urmă

a) Study the examples, then fill in the gaps
using and, who, with or as well as.
Paul has got big blue eyes. He's got dark, curly hair.
Paul has got big blue eyes and dark, curly hair.
Paul has got big blue eyes as well as dark, curly hair.
Paul is a plump boy. He has got dark, curly hair.
Paul is a plump boy who has got dark, curly hair.
Paul is a plump boy with dark, curly hair.
A Nancy is a pretty girl in her late teens 1).............. is tall
slim, 3)... fair hair, bright blue eyes
4).............. a small, straight nose.
B Tom, 1).......... is in his mid-thirties, is a tall, well-
built man 2) .............. almond-shaped eyes, 3).....
an upturned nose 4).............. a moustache.
b) Rewrite this short description, using the
linking words/phrases above.
Jerry is forty years old. He is of average height. He is
muscular. He has got big blue eyes. He has got short,
blond hair. He has got a beard. He likes wearing
casual clothes.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ioana20120
A…1) who
3)as well as

pentru b nu stiu
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