as vrea sa ma ajute si pe mine cineva la engleza am de tradus propozitiile din poza de jos. va rog cat de repede...daca se poate.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. The prices are rising, the meat is more expensive than ever.
2. I am sure the dog hears us as it is now looking at us.
3. From what we know, this house is yours now.
4. The trees are blooming so the gardens smell good.
5. Thomas sees us now, he is signaling us with his hand.
6. She is just buying some gifts for her grandchildren. Does she love them that much?
7. He is always telephoning me and asking stupid questions.
8. Now that he has a moustache, he looks very similar to his father.
9. Look the tram his coming? Are you taking it or are you waiting for the bus? I think I will take it. If I don't take the tram I'll be late to the theatre. And if I am late I can't enter.
10. I know that he collected a lot of stamps, but this bound collection is all I could find.
11. The children seem very tired this morning.
12. The two girls are only pretending to be friends, in reality they hate eachother.
13. I am happy you like my gift.
14. Is my frankness bothersome? I think so, your average person doesn't always like an honest opinion.
15. How long are you staying in town? I think 2-3 days. I am leaving in 2 days. I am going to my parents too.
16. I am wondering why the boy and the girl are not sleeping at this hour. They usually go to bed early.
17. My brother likes to whistle happily while driving the car.
18. Are you trying to verify the computer? No the computer doesn't need control. What if it makes a mistake. The computer never makes mistakes.
19. Imagine that we are now on a train and we are travelling to London. One passenger is looking out the windows the other is reading a book, some other two are talking to eachother. Suddenly a terrible noise can be heard. The baggages all fall down one after the other.
20. What are you looking for? I am looking for my pen. I wonder when will you be more organized with your things.
21. Why is there so much dust here? The old houses are being demolished.
22. Jane and Mary are taking their brother to the train station. Why don't you go with them? You know he says a lot of jokes so you will have a good time together.
23. Your sister seems to be in deep thought. what is she thinking about? I am sure she is thinking about summer break.
24. Are you going somewhere tonight Robert? No, I am staying home. My neighbours are coming over to watch TV . Do you invite them often to your house? No they just invite themselves whenever there is a good movie on TV.
25. It's Saturday night. The Smith Family is home. Mrs. Smith is listening to a concert on the radio, Mr. Smith is reading the newspaper and their daughter is playing with her dolls. They spend almost every Saturday night like this.
26. My dad gets up very early, but he showers and shaves and has breakfast so quietly that we don't hear nothing, but we hear when he goes away from home because our car is old and makes terrible noise.
27. Do you really need the notebook this week.
28. Our guides speak 3-4 foreign languages, because a lot of tourists come here in the summer to spend a part of their vacation.