Engleza, întrebare adresată de DenisaCosmina132, 8 ani în urmă

Hei!! Cine stie,plss la ex 7,8!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alias1
Is he going to see any of the concerts they have on this tour?
Where can I buy a ticket ?
Is Ioana ( sau ce nume e acolo ) going to the concert?
What should I bring you from the concert as a souvenir?
Are they broadcasting the concert?

DenisaCosmina123: Asta-i la 7 sau 8 ca nu-mi dau seama??
alias1: e la 7; la 8:
alias1: 1.He lives in a flat near the town center. 2;Where are you from? 3:I don't like techno music 4:Welcome to Liverpool. 5:What sort of music do you like ?
DenisaCosmina123: Mersiii mult,mult de tot!!!
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