traducetimi va rog aceasta legenda in engleza: Omul verde. Se pare ca povestea adevărata este însă una tristă, deloc infticosatoare.Omul verde nu era de fapt un monstru,ci un barbat numit Raymond Robinson.Cand avea 80 de ani, voia sa se uite la un cuib de pasari si a fost electrocutat.Bătrânul abia a scapat cu viata,dar a ramas desfigurat in urma acestui incident nefericit.El si-a pierdut nasul,ochii,urechile si una dintre maini.Pielea de pe fața era atat de distrusă incat a prins o culoare verde,de unde ii vine di numele de omul verde
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Green Man. It seems that the real story is a sad one, however, was not at all green infticosatoare.Manactually a monster, but a man named Raymond Robinson.Cand have 80 years, he wanted to look at a bird's nest and was electrocutat.barely escaped with his life but remained disfigured after this incident and nefericit.El he lost his nose, eyes, ears and on the face of one of maini.Pielea was so destroyed that caught a green, from where he comes di man named green
Răspuns de
Green Man. It seems that the real story is a sad one, however, was not at all green infticosatoare.Omulactually a monster, but a man named Raymond Robinson.Cand have 80 years, he wanted to look at a bird's nest and was electrocutat.Bătrânul barely escaped with his life but remained disfigured after this incident and nefericit.El he lost his nose, eyes, ears and on the face of one of maini.Pielea was so destroyed that caught a green, from where he comes di man named green
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